Haven’t really been following *that* much this season. Will talk about a few, since most are ending around..
Now. Same for last season shows.
Some I wish rather never started.. Curse my “Must Finish” motto at these times.
Well, there are always exceptions when something is truly terrible. Like Naruto.

Filed under: Anime & Manga || Comment »
Posted on: September 20, 2010 by Kam

Filed under: Anime & Manga || Comments Off on 2010..
Posted on: January 1, 2010 by Kam
6 Feb. Edit, I know I’m late.
Okay, it took a while.
Mainly because I’m a 2nd rank lazy bum.
But I figure you all know that by now.
*Cries in the corner*
First of all, Happy New Year!
Quite a boring night, except from some fella’s almost burning down the entire park. But let’s forget about that.
I built a HLJ (Hobbylink Japan) Danbo (From Yotsuba&!) today.
Isn’t he cool?
Moving on!
Let’s grab some highlights of the anime I watched in 2009.
Yes, what *I* watched. So don’t be surprised if your favorite anime isn’t listed or something!
Let’s just go by alphabetical order and keep it short.