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  • Getting caught in the crossfire

    Getting caught in the crossfire

    Filed under: Rambling || Comment »
    Posted on: October 16, 2015 by Kam

    Woke up to see a google search DMCA mail in my inbox, concerning… my Angel Beats Summary posts (Also 14 spam mails in Japanese, but that’s not the point).
    When I looked up the complaints, my site was bundled with all these streaming sites…
    Nowhere on this site will you find an episode to watch!

    Some people, geez..

    Edit: And got another.. For a page that doesn’t even work anymore.
    This confirms they don’t even check the content. JCCA confirmed for being incompetent.
    So let this be known to all, never include the word episode in a blogpost title.

    This right hand of mine..!!

    This right hand of mine..!!

    Filed under: Rambling || Comment »
    Posted on: September 1, 2015 by Kam

    ..is borked. Hence the no updates.

    I mostly blame all the goddamn clicking in GW2.
    250 bags with bags in bags in bags oh god make it stop.
    One doc said muscle strain or something, the other RSI.
    But since some symptoms disappeared with rest, RSI’s now being ruled out.
    I just hope it heals soon.



    Filed under: Rambling || Comment »
    Posted on: June 6, 2015 by Kam

    Shinoa best girl this season. Hestia not bestia.

    I went outside to buy supplies for my never-ending war against insects and encountered this creepy smiling woman.. Turned out she was a hologram. Or well, attempt at one. Calling it a hologram just sounds cooler.
    Was a projector behind a human-shaped panel.
    The whole shopping area was also being swarmed by girl scouts. Without cookies.

    Also, new Requiem somewhere in the next 2 weeks. Finally.



    Filed under: Visual Novels || Comment »
    Posted on: May 1, 2015 by Kam

    If you read Requiem, you’d know I got a Chronomancer called Dante showing up in there.
    Continuing with Scéal, I made the Chronomancers (Who were planned for Guild Wars Utopia, but got scrapped) an advanced ancient civilization, somewhat like the Ancients of Stargate.

    And then Anet goes and makes it a mesmer specialization.
    Fukou da.

    Obligatory Post

    Obligatory Post

    Filed under: Rambling || Comment »
    Posted on: March 26, 2015 by Kam

    I think figure scan guy is dead. Or I’m just terrible at finding them. Probably the latter.
    Just catching up with stuff from past seasons when I’m not busy. Rail Wars! lacked Wars.
    Kinda like Guild Wars 2 lacking… well, guild wars right now. Though that should be fixed with Heart of Thorns, I think? Shirobako’s pretty entertaining.
    And I can totally understand why Stargate Universe got canceled.

    GW2 game client is getting worse.
    First the Ancient Karka breaks it so I bluescreen 50% of the time when pressing play, now I get client errors too every time there’s a new patch. Terrible!

    ..I should get to this month’s Requiem comic before the month ends.