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  • Al the Bootlegged Nendo Part 2

    Al the Bootlegged Nendo Part 2

    Filed under: Merchandise || 1 Comment »
    Posted on: September 27, 2011 by Kam

    Behold, Part 2 of Al the Bootlegged Nendo! Didn’t expect that, now did you?
    Neither did I. I’d never have imagined to pick up a legit Al Azif Nendoroid!

    On a side note, I finally finished Al Azif Route last night.
    It was Elder God tier of awesome, if you catch my drift.

    And if you wish to see all my purchases of the last 4 months..
    You can see them here (That includes Toypla Demonbane and this Nendo Al Azif !!).

    Let the comparison commence!

    Read the rest of this entry »

    Makise Kurisu was stabbed

    Makise Kurisu was stabbed

    Filed under: Anime & Manga || Comment »
    Posted on: September 13, 2011 by Kam

    Don’t mind me. Just sending a D-post from 15 September back to the 13th, because I forgot to do it earlier.

    Wow. What a great run that was.
    Steins;Gate ended this week and it ended with a MOVIE announcement!
    No idea what that will hold. Recap? Alt routes? Maybe that Darlin’ 3% Divergence game?
    Then there’s also the OVA next year that comes with the DVD/BDs.. Oh, the SCIENCE!

    I’ll see you at Steins;Gate, fellow scientists.
    Now what to do with these 24 empty Dr Pepper cans..

    Deliver my packages already, you accursed postal service!
    Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting?!

    El. Psy. Congroo.

    Life Returns Shortly

    Life Returns Shortly

    Filed under: Merchandise, Rambling || 1 Comment »
    Posted on: September 8, 2011 by Kam

    Well well well..
    I got a comic halfway done, I might get a decently-paid job and I’m in the process of going through a Photoshop hell.
    If you recognize what these men are doing in the picture above, you might have an idea of what I’m planning to do…

    Meanwhile, still waiting on my Demonbane, Kaiji and Mayoi.
    Will they make it in time for the photoshoot?! Tune in next time~

    Speaking of Photoshoots, the Angel Beats! one we did at Abunai was awesome.
    It had hilarious shots, depressing shots, shots I want to erase from my memory and shots that are so d’awwww you might get a heart attack.
    But the guy hasn’t uploaded them yet.
    Fukou da.

    One More Week..

    One More Week..

    Filed under: Merchandise || 2 Comments »
    Posted on: August 17, 2011 by Kam

    Making preparations for the con next week.
    First fun event in.. Months.

    Also found a mini grail, ToyPla Demonbane Action Figure on 55% discount!
    Awaiting the payment request email.. If it ever comes.

    In the meantime, enjoy Miss Kuroneko’s Tea Party.

    Read the rest of this entry »

    Crawling Up

    Crawling Up

    Filed under: Rambling || Comment »
    Posted on: June 21, 2011 by Kam

    Getting back on the bad news from last time and an explanation on the deadness.
    My mother passed away three weeks ago.

    A lot of stuff had to be done, but in the year that she was fighting her cancer she made some preparations herself as well. But it was a peaceful death and beautiful funeral.

    Afterwards it was pretty depressing everywhere (as you can imagine), though I tried to distract myself quite a bit.
    Days went by with sleeping, spacing out and reading random articles.. Life is now somewhat back to balance.
    Well, sleeping hours are still pretty messed up (Thank you, Chaos;Head and your suspense) and keep missing the sun to make pretty pictures.

    As such, Requiem wasn’t drawn as motivation plummeted.
    It’ll stick to “It’s there when it’s there”. Even though I might promise to draw something, don’t listen to me.
    It’s an annoying quirk I have.

    What I can deliver is some other comics. Figure ones, but I threw them in the Anivoy archive anyways because it is one big Quack Experimental (Thank you Excel Saga) webcomic thing.
    Or you can read them over at MFC: http://myfigurecollection.net/profiles.php?user=Kam&page=pictures&aid=753
    I call it “The Legend of Araragi-kun”. It’ll just be a bunch of 4komas about his new life as a Protagonist. Hijinks ensue!

    Still gotta catch up and digitalize all this loot from the past months as it keeps being delayed as well.
    Currently on the way are Figma Kurisu, GSC Kanade and SEGA Seitokai figs. Keep figure.fm/MFC on the watch as I can image-bomb them easier than here.

    That will be all for now.

    Seriously, best show of the season.