After many hardships, I finally play the GW2 Beta! Oh, goodie!
Decided to make a Norn Guardian, something I doubt I’d play at release.
More info after the weekend.

Filed under: Rambling || 1 Comment »
Posted on: April 5, 2012 by Kam
Recovery of my eye is proceeding well; I will have a check-up on Tuesday to see if I will have to stop playing pirate.
In worse news, my laptop’s screen stopped working a while ago. Remember me talking about how it looked like demons possessed it last year? Guess they finally won.
So now I’m looking for a new one that could hopefully play GW2 as well – which I Pre-Purchased the Pre-Order of the Pre-Purchase Collector’s Edition from at
New Requiem comic is on the way, hold on to your seats.

Filed under: Merchandise || Comment »
Posted on: March 17, 2012 by Kam
Guess I’ll do an image dump today with pictures and some loot from this month.
Much more came before that, but you can always stalk me on MFC to see my list.
More after the break, in no actual order. Just dumping, not sorting.
Favorite them/vote 5 if you like them enough.
Most pictures (excl. loot ones) should be in my MFC Album.

The day I became a pirate (or moeblob)
Filed under: Rambling || Comment »
Posted on: March 15, 2012 by Kam
Today, a little surgery was done.
For over a year a lump was growing on my left eyelid and the last few months it became gigantic and a huge annoyance.
It gave me poor vision, frequent headaches and other nasty stuff, too.
So after the surgery (the sedatives were the most painful part), I now have to wear an eyepatch for the next five weeks.
Incidentally, the guy who removed the lump looked a lot like the librarian guy from Another.
I can only conclude that with my new eyepatch and this mysterious meeting, people will start dying next week thanks to a horrible curse.