Filed under: Merchandise, Rambling || Comment »
Posted on: December 19, 2013 by Kam

No, not the series but my age.
Post delivered Graphig Kirigiri and a.. pretty lewd.. *cough* figure of Little Busters’ Saya that came with Dengeki G’s Magazine.

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Operation: Cleanup Room

Operation: Cleanup Room

Filed under: Merchandise, Rambling || Comment »
Posted on: September 19, 2013 by Kam

eternal vivid fever

Finally now that the sun isn’t melting everything, I can start cleaning my room and dusting off my collection again.
Which’ll take hours to.. days.. Finished one shelf though!!
After the break, an assortment of photos I took in the past few months. Not in any specific order, includes boxes, collections, poses, bad quality control etc.
Might include some earlier posted ones, I’m senile like that.

Most figure images I use to open a post with are from 2chan – they’re not taken by me unless watermarked. Just a fyi.

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Liadri the Concealing B

Liadri the Concealing B

Filed under: Games, Rambling || 1 Comment »
Posted on: September 2, 2013 by Kam


I give up.
I’ve wasted so much gold on repairs and most of the time I was only wasting tickets because  either the game bugged (Leftover Oozes, a 2nd player joining in the same ring with his own boss (Oh yeah, crack up that difficulty), not letting me enter the ring at all) or I started to lag terribly because of the zerg going on downstairs.
So yeah, whoever made Liadri at Anet… You can jam her up your ass.

I want to get off Arenanet’s Wild Ride.
I want a break.
My eyes hurt.
I want to stop playing without missing anything.
(You can see I’m not a fan of all this temp content.)

Ah, I forgot to add.
All those AFK players/players who don’t bother to res, the Waypointing and then running back, the paying tickets, the no res upon defeat in general.. All terrible.


The courage to read a big fat book

The courage to read a big fat book

Filed under: Rambling || Comment »
Posted on: May 10, 2012 by Kam

Necronomicon arrived in the mail (Figures too, but we’ll leave those for another time. Al Azif not related) and damn, that’s one big fat book.
Unfortunately, 2 pages have a tiny tear on the side.. GRRR!!
No idea if it was like this in their warehouse or caused during shipping.

Ordered it from Bol.com, using the €15 voucher I got from after they canceled my GW2 CE Prepuchase.
The sequel of Necronomicon, Eldritch Tales, is still under way from The Book Depository.
They got a 10% off on everything on top of the usual discounts going on there.

..when do I find the time to read this..

It's all so quiet

It’s all so quiet

Filed under: Rambling || 1 Comment »
Posted on: April 5, 2012 by Kam

Recovery of my eye is proceeding well; I will have a check-up on Tuesday to see if I will have to stop playing pirate.
In worse news, my laptop’s screen stopped working a while ago. Remember me talking about how it looked like demons possessed it last year? Guess they finally won.
So now I’m looking for a new one that could hopefully play GW2 as well – which I Pre-Purchased the Pre-Order of the Pre-Purchase Collector’s Edition from at bol.com.
New Requiem comic is on the way, hold on to your seats.