Just your friendly neighbourhood author

Just your friendly neighbourhood author

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Posted on: December 2, 2008 by Kam

Basically what Kyle said.
I have two weeks to finish up two animations, three 3d Models (I’m not even good at 3d >.<), an English presentation and two Dutch works.

They’re really trying to milk out everything out of their students, don’t they?

I’ll squeeze in a comic before the weekend. Will have to post-pone my Poster project to after the holidays.

I’m stuffing the articles full in “Misc.”, aren’t I?

Exit Doomsweek

Exit Doomsweek

Filed under: Rambling || Comment »
Posted on: November 10, 2008 by Kam

Whew…. I somehow managed.
Passed the math test, the solicitation looked like it went good. However, I still haven’t gotten any response from the commercial-guy, whom I had to animate for.

I’ll upload that one later in the week for giggles. Will edit it a bit though, still not completely satisfied with the audio.

Tomorrow, I’ll be getting in a sparkling new laptop. “Rein Zwei”.
Sadly, it’s ram and disk space are double the space of my PC… >.> It puts “Rein Eins” to shame. I’ll mostly use it for graphimedia, so it’s a good thing to have. The thing might be full with .psd’s by the end of the month.

Also, glorious news!
I am going to an Anime con :o
So far I only went to gaming cons like Gameplay here, but there shouldn’t be too much of a difference. They have some contests going on. I’m trying to get a friend to go dressed up as Goku while I give an attempt at a decent AMV. *shrug*

Well, it’s somewhere in January. I’ll fill you lot in about it more when we’re closer to the date.

So… I guess expect a comic (or 2?) in the weekend again? Might edit some stuff in the script since I skipped Halloween. Everyone is out of that mood already anyways. Just have to drag myself through this sluggish week….

Enter Doomsweek

Enter Doomsweek

Filed under: Rambling || Comment »
Posted on: November 5, 2008 by Kam

To sum it all up, I have a deadline for a Commercial this week. A Solicitation Practice Convo on Friday and tomorrow a Math Exam.
And I’m running behind with two of em.

Wish me luck >.>

Animation Festival

Animation Festival

Filed under: Rambling || Comment »
Posted on: October 30, 2008 by Kam

So… I’ll be spending half the day of Halloween at some festival where they give readings about various animating companies, techniques etc. and show their work off. Not totally my thing, but maybe I’ll learn a trick or two.

Then spend the night on Mad King Thorn, since we don’t celebrate Halloween here anyways.

A comic again on Friday or Saturday.

Announcement Day

Announcement Day

Filed under: Rambling || Comment »
Posted on: October 17, 2008 by Kam

Schedule for the weekend:
– Double (Maybe triple!?) comic
– Anime-Envoy Corner #2
– Let someone else do the next update

Other Schedule:
– Get some more anime summaries up. Lots of catching up to do.
– I was thinking about changing the banner a bit..
– Enjoy vacation