Two packages today, with custom fees. Guy didn’t have change, so I lost 60 cts of the €20 I paid him.
I could’ve bought a snack from that change! Oh, and a whole new figure with those ridiculous charges.

Al the Bootlegged Nendo Part 2
Filed under: Merchandise || 1 Comment »
Posted on: September 27, 2011 by Kam
Behold, Part 2 of Al the Bootlegged Nendo! Didn’t expect that, now did you?
Neither did I. I’d never have imagined to pick up a legit Al Azif Nendoroid!
On a side note, I finally finished Al Azif Route last night.
It was Elder God tier of awesome, if you catch my drift.
And if you wish to see all my purchases of the last 4 months..
You can see them here (That includes Toypla Demonbane and this Nendo Al Azif !!).
Let the comparison commence!

Filed under: Merchandise, Rambling || 1 Comment »
Posted on: September 8, 2011 by Kam
Well well well..
I got a comic halfway done, I might get a decently-paid job and I’m in the process of going through a Photoshop hell.
If you recognize what these men are doing in the picture above, you might have an idea of what I’m planning to do…
Meanwhile, still waiting on my Demonbane, Kaiji and Mayoi.
Will they make it in time for the photoshoot?! Tune in next time~
Speaking of Photoshoots, the Angel Beats! one we did at Abunai was awesome.
It had hilarious shots, depressing shots, shots I want to erase from my memory and shots that are so d’awwww you might get a heart attack.
But the guy hasn’t uploaded them yet.
Fukou da.

Filed under: Merchandise || 2 Comments »
Posted on: August 17, 2011 by Kam
Making preparations for the con next week.
First fun event in.. Months.
Also found a mini grail, ToyPla Demonbane Action Figure on 55% discount!
Awaiting the payment request email.. If it ever comes.
In the meantime, enjoy Miss Kuroneko’s Tea Party.

It’s a miracle that I update at all
Filed under: Merchandise, Rambling || Comment »
Posted on: April 5, 2011 by Kam
I wonder why. Lazy? WordPress being slow/annoying? Too used to DC/’s sort pictures nicely and caption them gimmick?
Might be all of them.
Is there some plugin to make this stuff easier?
Anyways, good and bad news. Let’s start with the BAD.
Job Interviews are going nowhere. I’m in despair and some voice in my head is narrating like in Kaiji.
Also, back problems! The upper back/shoulder area. Quite annoying.
That was the personal bad news!
Now, the GOOD news. Well, good? The more stuff arrives, the lower the cash on my bank account goes.
Well, just continue reading the post for pictures of new lootings.
Maybe some brabble about last seasons anime if I feel like it. Let’s see where this goes.