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  • Update: Figure Studio

    Update: Figure Studio

    Filed under: Rambling, Webcomics || Comment »
    Posted on: April 11, 2019 by Kam


    So that roof repairing is now somewhere beyond frigging June! I was told it’d be done this or next month!
    Almost a year of subpar room conditions and I’m stuck in yet another loop of delays!

    I’m extra annoyed, because I’ve been hyping myself into making a reboot of the Araragi-kun figure comic series.
    Not solely focusing on Araragi perse, but on his “friends” too. Something Cromartie-like is what’s been filling my head lately.

    The main reasons I haven’t been making figure comics in a loooong time were:
    – Old room was tiny and filled with boxes, with no space to put up my studio for photography anymore.
    – Said room had shitty light, too.

    Figured all these problems would be solved in the new place, but noo…
    That damn roof starting to leak just turned this place into another warzone.
    And once the roof does finally get repaired, I don’t want everything to be covered in dust and ceiling fragments.
    So that’s why I’m still having a lot of my collection still in their boxes.

    “But just re-box them after use, Kam!”
    Easier said than done.
    I got figma Megumin recently and had to remove her cape to inspect the figure’s quality (Because honestly, Max Factory quality has been going downhill since last year. Aqua and Kizuna Ai specifically had a lot quality issues in general. For me they’re even the two figma I had to get most replacements for.)
    I had a very hard time putting it back on, so everything would fit in the box again..
    Some other figma are already stored shoddily in a closet with the plastic tray barely closed, because I can’t fit them back in the box anymore.

    Half of the place is taken up by boxes, but I did manage to get the table I want to use for the studio area mostly empty.
    From April to June I’ve got about a week off every month, so I am heavily considering just making a few one-shots with the figures that are out of the box during those times. The creative juices and *gasp* motivation are flowing, and that’s rare nowadays!
    I have some scripts, but man do most of them involve the still boxed ones… Lotta Smash, for example.

    I’m also heavily considering just throwing all these goddamn nendoroid petits in a box.
    I didn’t realize I had so many trading figures in general… 260 total according to MFC.

    For now, I got some long curtains. Just need the stick for it.
    And the roll curtain, well, I keep getting screwed over with that one. Think I’ll just keep the old one for now, and hopefully by summer I can get one with a reflecto side. Oh, and gotta buy some of that Anti-UV stuff to put on the windows, still.

    Being a paranoid collector is rough.

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