One More Week..

One More Week..

Filed under: Merchandise || 2 Comments »
Posted on: August 17, 2011 by Kam

Making preparations for the con next week.
First fun event in.. Months.

Also found a mini grail, ToyPla Demonbane Action Figure on 55% discount!
Awaiting the payment request email.. If it ever comes.

In the meantime, enjoy Miss Kuroneko’s Tea Party.

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Crawling Up

Crawling Up

Filed under: Rambling || Comment »
Posted on: June 21, 2011 by Kam

Getting back on the bad news from last time and an explanation on the deadness.
My mother passed away three weeks ago.

A lot of stuff had to be done, but in the year that she was fighting her cancer she made some preparations herself as well. But it was a peaceful death and beautiful funeral.

Afterwards it was pretty depressing everywhere (as you can imagine), though I tried to distract myself quite a bit.
Days went by with sleeping, spacing out and reading random articles.. Life is now somewhat back to balance.
Well, sleeping hours are still pretty messed up (Thank you, Chaos;Head and your suspense) and keep missing the sun to make pretty pictures.

As such, Requiem wasn’t drawn as motivation plummeted.
It’ll stick to “It’s there when it’s there”. Even though I might promise to draw something, don’t listen to me.
It’s an annoying quirk I have.

What I can deliver is some other comics. Figure ones, but I threw them in the Anivoy archive anyways because it is one big Quack Experimental (Thank you Excel Saga) webcomic thing.
Or you can read them over at MFC:
I call it “The Legend of Araragi-kun”. It’ll just be a bunch of 4komas about his new life as a Protagonist. Hijinks ensue!

Still gotta catch up and digitalize all this loot from the past months as it keeps being delayed as well.
Currently on the way are Figma Kurisu, GSC Kanade and SEGA Seitokai figs. Keep on the watch as I can image-bomb them easier than here.

That will be all for now.

Seriously, best show of the season.

Happy New Year~

Happy New Year~

Filed under: Merchandise, Rambling || Comment »
Posted on: December 31, 2010 by Kam

Looks like Japan just entered the new year.
Still 8 hours left for me though.

2010 has been burning a hole in my wallet as deep as the one drilled in Russia.
Especially in the later months, because they just have to release everything at the end of the year.

And then January’s another lootfest..
Oh dear, I hope I get that job.

Anyways, a Happy 2011 (in advance), don’t fall out of windows and don’t burn your fingers!
The rest of the post will be some pictures of the end of the year loot.
Alternatively, you can read them up at, where I bothered to throw text in with them.

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Filed under: Merchandise || 2 Comments »
Posted on: December 25, 2010 by Kam


Christmas comes and goes.
Personally, this year wasn’t the best one ever thanks to various problems.

Anyways, Merry Christmas!

Originally, I planned a -short- story to do (Unlike last years, what the hell was I doing?), but I forgot the story mid-way and just snapped some pictures of Alice and Kanade instead.
Because Kanade’s just TOO CUUUUUUUUUUUUUTEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! (9999 Breakpoint!) and Alice is one of the Revoltechs I just have much fun with posing.

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A Kanade Filled Birthday

A Kanade Filled Birthday

Filed under: Merchandise, Rambling || Comment »
Posted on: December 19, 2010 by Kam


Turned twenty-one today.
I don’t feel anything special, no secret powers.
Doubt I can pull off a Kamehameha either way.
Just the same old man feeling like I’ve had for the past 9 years.
Unless my hobby is involved..

So with the lack of a cake and presents due the bad weather and financial crisis (Nah, my present is still in shipping), lets post pictures of my latest loot..

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